generally speaking, the topography of northern laixi ishigher than that of southern part. the northern part is a region of hills andfoothills, the middle part is a region of plains and hills with rather gentleslopes, while the southern part is a region of plate-shaped lowlands.from.thenorthwest boundary to the southern part, the terrain gets lower and lower, andafter crossing the lanyan railroad, it tilts slightlyfrom.northeast tosouthwest. the topography of laixi has been divided into 4 types, namely,hills, foothills, plains and lowlands, among which hills takes up 2.4%,foothills 42.4%, plains 40.6% and lowlands 14.6%.
hillswinds their ways across the northern part of laixi. there are four mainhills. the gongshan hill in the west part, the highest one, originates inpindu. zhishan hill in the middle part, originatingfrom.zhaoyuan,goes southward through northern half of laixi along towns of maliangzhuang,nanbi, rizhuang, yuanshang, guhe, between dagu and xiaogu river. baishi hill,fu hill, jiju hill, xian hill, dajia hill, changyuan hill etc, form its ridgesand the stretch in northern nanshu town is quite hilly. yaoshan hill,originatingfrom.zhaoyuan, stretches southwestward at first, then turns west,with lotus hill, duo hill, dabuding hill, zhongqing hill, maying hill etc.forming a ridge in the east of dagu river. in the east is duoshan, originatingfrom.laiyang, witch its stretches like luobo andphoenixhills etc. the highest elevation oflaixi is 427.8 meters, which is located in zhoujiadashan hill, an areabordering nanshu town and pingdu city, while the lowest elevation is 26, whichis located in area around baojiazhuang village, dianbu town.
there are 61 small andlarge rivers in laixi, mainly belonging to dagu river. dagu river flowssouthward through the middle of laixi. xiaogu river flows southward throughwest part of the area. zhuhe river goes southward through east part of laixi,while wugu river flows westward through southern part of the area. zhuhe river,xiaogu river, and wugu river mingle in dagu river respectively at southwestzhangjiazhuang village andnorth shuiji streetcommunity, in front of dali villageyuanshang town, andwest hanjiahuivillagedianbu town.
laixi is located in west part of jiaodong peninsula. its terrain tilts from north to south. in the north, they are low mountains and hills; in the middle, it is slow plain and in the south it is depression. its climate is continental temperate monsoon climate with obvious change of four seasons and monsoons. with humid air and mild climate, its four seasons and humidity are clear. the rain and heat happens in the same season. the annual average temperature is 12.2 ℃; the average temperature of the coldest month is 3.3 ℃ and average temperature of the hottest month is 25.3 ℃. the extreme maximum temperature in history was 39.8 ℃ while the extreme minimum temperature of it was 21.1 ℃.the average annual rainfall is 635.8 mm. the rainfall is mainly concentrated in from june to september, which accounts for 460.2 mm with 72.3% of annual rainfall. the annual average relative humidity is 71%. the minimum relative humidity is 1%. it has a long frost-free period with 268.2 days of annual frost-free period. there are 2656.3 hours of sunshine throughout the year, which accounts for 59.9% of duration of possible sunshine. the annual average wind speed is 2.9 meters/seconds. the most frequent wind direction is se wind. the annual average evaporation is 1421.6 mm and annual thunderstorm is 22.7 days. within the territory, the main meteorological disasters include high temperature, drought, hail, wind, cold wave, thunderstorms, etc.
the soil area in laixi is 119,952.6hectares, taking up 78.81% of the total land area. main soil types includebrown soil, fluvo-aquic soil, lime concretion black soil, paddy soil, cinnamonsoil, and sandy soil, etc.